Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Somerset Hills! Make yourself at home in our liberal religious community. Unitarian Universalism is a religion that is based on covenant rather than creed or dogma. We come together in fellowship with those who share similar values of respect for each other and the world. Our mission is to Explore Spirituality, Engage Community, and Transform the World.

If this is your first visit to a Unitarian Universalist congregation, we invite you to fill out a virtual visitor form. This short video from the Unitarian Universalist Association offers a brief overview of who we are, what we do, and why it matters.

Copyright Unitarian Universalist Association.

We learn about spirituality through our worship services and religious education experiences. UU faith is based on the core beliefs of world religious traditions. We explore those teachings throughout the year.

We stand together in community both within our congregation and with our neighbors near and far. UUCSH offers support in times of need, a place of solace in times of trouble, and a place to celebrate in times of joy.

Our congregation seeks to transform the world by working to bring justice to our community and our nation. To achieve this, we stand with those who are marginalized by society. Above all, we believe in the unending power of love.

Whether you are a visitor, a member, or a friend, feel free to use this site to interact, learn, ask questions, and share opinions.

We hope you will join us in person, too! You will find many opportunities to engage in worship, music, religious education, social action, community service, fellowship, and fun. Check out our New Here? page for more information about attending a service.

UUCSH is a place of safety and integrity for each person’s mind, body, and spirit. We are a supportive and nurturing faith community, honoring and respecting the rich diversity of those gathered here. Recognizing that warmth, beauty, kindness, and passion will shape us as a congregation of goodwill, generosity, and presence, we covenant to affirm and promote our Covenant of Right Relationship.