New Here?
Welcome! We hope you’ll join us for Sunday services either online or in person at 123 East Cliff Street in Somerville. Unless noted on the calendar, services begin at 10:30 AM. Links to online services are available on our congregational calendar.
If you’re a new visitor to our virtual services and you haven’t yet filled out a virtual visitor form, won’t you take a few moments to do so now? Thank you!
If this is your first visit to a Unitarian Universalist congregation, this short video from the Unitarian Universalist Association offers a brief overview of who we are, what we do, and why it matters.
What should I wear?
Please wear whatever makes you comfortable. At our services and events, you’ll find attendees dressed in everything from shorts and jeans to business attire.
Can my children come with me?
Yes! We welcome and delight in children of all ages. We also offer Religious Exploration for children during our Sunday services, a downstairs play room, and changing tables in both our restrooms.
Where should I park?
There is a small parking lot in the rear of our building. For everyone’s safety, please note:
- Traffic flows clockwise around the building.
- From the street, enter on the left side of the building (creek side).
- From the parking lot, exit to the left of the building (by the neighboring home).
- Children use the parking lot to play during our coffee hour. Please be very careful as you drive through the lot.
If the parking lot is full, please park on the street. Please note that our neighbors on Culver Street between East High and East Cliff Streets do not have driveways, so we don’t park in front of their homes. Please reserve the marked spaces in the side lot for those with special needs and mobility challenges.
Are your building and services accessible to people with disabilities?
Yes! For your comfort and convenience, our building includes an elevator. We also offer large-print Orders of Service and assisted-listening devices. Just ask the usher or representative at the Welcome Table.
Where are the restrooms?
There are two restrooms located downstairs at the end of the Fellowship Hall closest to the elevator.
What does a Sunday Service include?
Services normally include announcements, music, readings, meditation, and a 20-minute sermon. After the service ends, please join us for coffee, tea, and snacks during Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall downstairs.
Do I have to sing?
You’re welcome to join in singing hymns if you’re comfortable doing so. We use two hymnals, gray and teal. You’ll find them stored in the racks in front of each pew. If you’re in a front pew, your hymnals will be on a shelf under your pew.
Do I have to pray?
Most services include a period of meditation, either guided or silent. If you wish to pray during this time, please do.
What are Joys and Concerns?
A small book is on the desk in our church foyer. You are welcome to write down a joy (happy thing) or concern (something that worries you) for our minister to read aloud during the service. During virtual services, attendees may share their joys and concerns in the online chat.
Will I be asked to introduce myself?
You won’t be singled out during the service. If you like, we will introduce you to attendees individually during Coffee Hour.
Will I have to sign anything?
No. We’ll invite you to sign up to receive email communications, and to wear a name tag during in-person services, but only if you’re comfortable doing so.
Do I have to donate money or make a pledge?
During the Sharing of Gifts portion of in-person services, a basket is passed. (While we hold virtual services, we’re accepting online donations and checks. At the present time, we donate the full amount of this weekly collection to a charitable cause announced during the service.) There is no obligation. If you would prefer not to donate, simply pass the basket to the next person.