What is Unitarian Universalism?
Unitarian Universalism (UU) is a mainline religious organization with roots reaching back more than 200 years. Universalism was organized in 1793, and Unitarianism was organized in 1825. The two faiths consolidated into the Unitarian Universalist Association in 1961. This religion combines the richness of both faith traditions. Both groups trace their roots in North America to the early Massachusetts settlers and to the founders of the Republic. Overseas, their heritage reaches back centuries to pioneers in England, Poland, and Transylvania.
Unitarian Universalist Beliefs
Unitarian Universalism is a creedless religion, meaning that we do not require members to adhere to dogma, or a specific belief system. We celebrate diversity of beliefs while we share values:
We draw from our heritages of freedom, reason, hope, and courage, building on the foundation of love.
Love is the power that holds us together and is at the center of our shared values. We are accountable to one another for doing the work of living our shared values through the spiritual discipline of Love.
Inseparable from one another, these shared values are:

For a fuller explanation of our values, see here.
Unitarian Universalism draws from many sources:
- Direct experiences of transcending mystery and wonder are primary sources of Unitarian Universalist inspiration. These experiences open our hearts, renew our spirits, and transform our lives. We draw upon—and are inspired by—sacred, secular, and scientific understandings that help us make meaning and live into our values.
These values and inspirations of faith are the backbone of our religious community.
UU Sermons
The UUCSH is a free pulpit, which means ministers and lay speakers are free to say what’s on their mind, without censorship. To read recent sermons delivered in our pulpit, visit our Reflections page.
You may also be interested in reading One Hundred Questions that Non-Members Ask About Unitarian Universalism by John Sias.
What kinds of people are UUs?
UUs come from all walks of life, races, cultures, gender and sexual identities, and political and spiritual perspectives. Most of us strive to make positive changes in our own and others’ lives. Some UUs have made contributions large or lasting enough to make them well known, such as:
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Olympia Brown
- Louisa May Alcott
- Henry David Thoreau
- Clara Barton
- Robert Fulghum
- Beatrix Potter
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- Florence Nightingale
- Carl Sandburg
- Adlai Stevenson
- Thomas Jefferson
- Morris Dees
- May Sarton
- T. Berry Brazelton
- e.e. cummings
- Linus Pauling
- Ysaye Maria Barnwell
- Paul Newman
- Caroline Farrar Ware
- Christopher Reeve
- Keith Olberman
- Zach Wahls
The UU Symbol—A Flame Within a Chalice
Glenn Ruhf handcrafted the chalice that graces our sanctuary.
Most UU congregations light a chalice at the start of worship services. UUCSH also lights small chalices at the start of Board of Trustees meetings and some small group gatherings as a way to focus our attention and purpose. Hans Deutsch, an Austrian artist, first brought together the chalice and the flame as a Unitarian symbol during his work with the Unitarian Service Committee during World War II. To Deutsch, the image represented sacrifice and love. Unitarian Universalists today have many different interpretations of the image.
The Unitarian Universalist Association
Each UU congregation operates independently as part of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. The UUA provides services and resources that individual congregations cannot develop independently. Also, the UUA has the strength in numbers to serve as a force for social justice issues and other causes that reflect members’ shared values.
The UUA has endorsed the following purposes:
The Unitarian Universalist Association shall devote its resources to and exercise its corporate powers for religious, educational and humanitarian purposes. The primary purpose of the Association is to serve the needs of its member congregations, organize new congregations, ad extend and strengthen Unitarian Universalist institutions and implement its principles.
The Association declares and affirms its special responsibility, and that of its member societies and organizations, to promote the full participation of persons in all of its and their activities and in the full range of human endeavor without regard to race, color, gender, disability, affectional or sexual orientation, age, or national origin; and without requiring adherence to any particular interpretation of religion or to any particular religious belief or creed.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to infringe upon the individual freedom of belief which is inherent in the Universalist and Unitarian heritages or to conflict with any statement of purpose, covenant, or bond of union used by any society unless such is used as a creedal test.
The UUA has a resource-rich website that you may enjoy visiting.
Affiliated and Associated Organizations
Here is contact information for some of the groups that are Associate Members or Independent Affiliate Organizations of the UUA.
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
The UUSC, motivated since 1939 by liberal religious principles, works to promote justice, freedom, and self-determination in the US and worldwide.
The UUWF is the only continental membership organization for all UU women. Formed by the 1963 consolidation of the Association of Universalist Women and the Alliance of Unitarian Women, it is an associate member of the UUA.
Conservative Forum for Unitarian Universalists
The Conservative Forum for Unitarian Universalists exists to ensure the expression of a full range of views on politics, economics and society, that while mainstream in society, are often not heard within the Unitarian Universalist movement.
The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans is an organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs), educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified UU religious professionals.
Members of HUUmanists are UUs who are also religious Humanists. This group constitutes the principal organization representing Humanists in the Unitarian Universalist Association of congregations.
Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship
UUCF is comprised of non-creedal followers of Jesus, rooted in the history and tradition of Unitarian Universalism. All who wish to freely follow Jesus are welcome to be members of the UUCF. This is a movement and organization of members who are interested in exploring liberal Christianity as we walk freely in the spirit of Jesus, growing our souls and the soul of the world.