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Donate here to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Somerset Hills.
Guide to Giving
Electronic giving is supported by our long-time partner Vanco, who will manage all payment information securely. You can sign up with Vanco to save your bank or card information for future use, or to use with their mobile ““Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement” app (available for Apple and Android phones). Creating an account is required to use the app, but online access and the smartphone app both use the same account ID and password. This Vanco flyer shows the steps. (Tip: Search UUCSH to find us.) Bank and card information is held securely by Vanco.
The funds you select correspond to our Categories of Giving. In brief, these are:
- Sunday Offering: our weekly collection at Sunday Service, 100% of which is shared with organizations in our community whose missions and values reflect our UU Principles.
- Pledge: financial contributions made over the course of the year to satisfy the annual commitments made in support of UUCSH’s mission.
- Building Fund: financial gifts made in support of future capital improvement projects, with current focus on a warming kitchen for Fellowship Hall.
- Endowment Fund: donations made to support the long-range financial security of the congregation.
- General Donations: unrestricted contributions to the UUCSH general operating fund.